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An open source operating system
Saturday 20th of April 2024. It's 09:08 AM

 Index page
Here you will find some documents about LittleOS.
 System programming
Informations about system programming, hardware, protected mode...
If you want to contact or know more about a member.
 The mailing-list
Here you can browse or subscribe to the mailing-list.
Download from there LittleOS sources, papers and other utilities.
Some links about system programming, hardware, C & assembler programming...

Lastest newsAll news
Good news: the news system is working! - 06-13-2000
We set up a news system which is automaticly updated.
1000 visitors - 05-04-2000
New record, more than 1000 visitors since february!
New specifications - 05-04-2000
The new specifications of the kernel is being written.
New members page - 04-10-2000
A new page for the members of the group has been added.
Web site update - 04-01-2000
The web site has been completly rebuilt.

Welcome on the new web site of LittleOS. If you have suggestions, please email me (Pascal Lacroix (change to You can also look in the members page.

What is Littleos ?

LittleOS is a project of creation of an operating system. The purpose of LittleOS is to allow each one to have a stable, simple and completly free system. Currently, the members of the project are defining the specifications before continuing the programming.
For more information about LittleOS, please consult the Documentation section.

How you can help ?

For the moment we need programmers. But we also accept any motivated person wishing to give us ideas, to write a part of documentation, to draw logos...
In order to join the project, you just have to write me (Pascal Lacroix <> change to and to indicate your motivations and what you can bring to this project.

  Francais - English